Many are familiar with bullying since school – children choose one person who has to endure the humiliation of the entire team. Many people think that this is a problem of childhood, but this is not at all the case. Even in workgroups, this phenomenon can occur. However, if at school you could just give back to the offender or call your parents for help, then in adulthood you need to be able to stand up for yourself. Therefore, in this article, we have collected the opinions of psychologists on how to deal with bullying in adulthood.

Regular psychological pressure in a professional team is usually called mobbing. Most often, it is faced by new employees who have just joined a new team. There are many reasons for insults: they are humiliated because of envy, personal hostility, or because of a kind of “rite of passage” into the team. Mobbing also includes constant and unreasonable criticism, boycott, depreciation of professional skills, threats, slander, sexual harassment, and other manifestations of unfriendly attitude on the part of the team. Regular bullying in a team leads to stress, against which health problems can appear – mental and physical. For reducing stress you may find some activities which you like – for example, best in-play betting site

According to psychologists, they usually bully those who are different, who do not fit into the norms established by the team or the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwork. That is, the reason for mobbing can be an unusual appearance, a different nationality, too zealous desire to do a job well, too soft a character, kindness, career success, and everything that goes beyond the established traditions in the team.

What to do if you encounter bullying at work?

First of all, you need to defend your borders and not violate others. It is desirable to do this without aggression, but confidently. You can directly tell your opponent what exactly is a violation of boundaries for you. This is appropriate in cases where a colleague suddenly takes on the role of a leader and tries to control the progress of your work, raises his voice, and allows inappropriate comments about your appearance or any of your habits.

When the situation comes to a standstill and you understand that you cannot find a common language with the team, you need to discuss the problem with higher management. Most often, managers are not interested in the interpersonal conflict in the team affecting performance, so a competent leader will try to help you resolve the situation.

It is important to understand that you do not come to complain to the authorities but ask for help in resolving the conflict. An adult position, arguments, and a clear description of cases of bullying and your attempts to solve it are your tools in a constructive dialogue with your superiors.

What to do if bullying comes from the boss? 

Resigning in this case is the easiest option. But if you need this job and you see your prospects in the company, you should think about how you can solve this issue in the best way for yourself. In communication with both the leader and colleagues, you should not allow your boundaries to be violated, you should not violate strangers.