Ideally, CBD Oil should not appear in your drug test. Nevertheless, when you buy CBD oil from some vendors, they may contain trace amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a key ingredient in marijuana. If enough of this element is present in your CBD, it will register in your test results.

This implies that in very rare circumstances, consuming CBD oil can cause you to register a positive test. The deciding factor is the composition and quality of the product you purchased. Here is how you can avoid a positive result and a list of the things to look for when purchasing CBD products.

What to do when your CBD product contains THC

Almost no CBD product is under regulation by the FDA. Consequently, it almost impossible for buyers to tell what they contain, even though they may be legal in your area. Issues like the origin of your CBD and harvesting method may cause your product to be contaminated with THC.

Different types of CBD

CBD Oil is processed from cannabis. These plants have hundreds of natural compounds including cannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenes. They have a chemical composition that varies based on parent variety and strain.

Marijuana contains varying concentrations of THC. The ingredient THC is responsible for the feeling of “high” users experience when they take marijuana. In contrast, products made from the hemp plant have less than 0.3 percent THC.

However, variety is not the only determining factor when it comes to concentration of THC. The process of harvesting and product refinement also influence what elements will be dominant in your CBD product. Therefore, CBD Oil products are often labeled as either one of the following kinds.

Full Spectrum CBD Oil

This type of CBD Oil has all the elements that come from the parent plant. That is to say, they contain terpenes, cannabinoids and flavonoids apart from CBD itself. Full-spectrum CBD Oil comes from marijuana plant species. Therefore, CBD extracted from marijuana will have very high THC levels.

CBD oil extracted from the hemp plant has a limit to the amount of THC it should contain. The law requires that THC levels in Hemp-based CBD must not exceed 0.3 percent.

Unfortunately, not every manufacturer will say where they sourced their CBD Oil. Therefore, it will be almost impossible to tell how much THC there is in your preferred product.

Full-spectrum CBD is quite common. CBD products under this category include tinctures, edibles, serums, topicals, and oils.

Broad-spectrum CBD

Broad-spectrum CBD also contains almost all the compounds found in the parent plant, which includes terpenes and a number of cannabinoids. However, the difference between the full spectrum and Broad spectrum is that the latter has no THC at all. This type of CBD is not that common and it is often available in the form of oils.

CBD Isolate

This type of CBD is pure. It does not contain extra elements from the parent plant. This CBD is usually obtained from the hemp plant. The best thing about hemp-based CBD is that it does not have THC. It is usually available in crystalline form or small slabs that you can break into pieces and eat. It can also be found as tincture or oil.

How much THC should be present in CBD Oil to register in a drug test?

Usually, drug tests check for THC or its equivalent metabolite that exists in form of THC-COOH. In 2017, cut off points were established to ensure that trace quantities of THC-COOH or THC would not register during a drug test.

drug test

This means that even if you pass your drug test, your blood may still have trace amounts of THC or THC-COOH. On the other hand, a negative test will show that your THC or THC-COOH level is well below the set cutoff point. Plus, different tests have different cut off values as well as the detection period as indicated below.


Urine tests to check for cannabis are quite common, particularly in workplaces. THC or THC-COOH in urine often has a concentration of about 50 ng/mL and this value will register a positive result.

The detection window will vary based on your frequency of use and dosage. Generally, THC can be detected in urine for up to 15 days after your last use. Heavier yet frequent use causes THC to last longer in your system. ( It is possible for THC to be detected 30 days after your last use.


Blood tests are less common compared to urine tests when it comes to screening for illegal substances. They are not common in workplace tests. The reason is that THC is rapidly removed from your bloodstream.

THC can be detected in your plasma for a period of five hours after use, while metabolites can be registers up to a week after use. blood tests are effective at registering present impairment, particularly for those who drive with alcohol in their system.

In areas where cannabis has been legalized, 1, 2 or even 5 ng/mL of THC is considered an impairment. Some other states have zero tolerance policies.


Testing saliva for THC is not that common, and no cut-off values have been established. However, recommendations made in 2017 and published by the Journal of Medical toxicology suggested 4 ng/mL.

THC can register in oral body fluids up to 72 hours after your last use. The detection period increase for heavy users. (


Like saliva testing, hair tests are not that common either. In addition, no cut off points have been set for tests on hair. However, most private practitioners have settled on 1 pg/mg for THC-COOH. THC can register on your hair for up to 90 days after your last use.

Other reasons why using CBD can cause you to register THC


It possible for cross-contamination to occur during the manufacturing process, even though THC might exist in trace quantities.

Cross contamination is a common phenomenon for manufacturers who prepare products that contain THC only, CBD only, or a mixture of both. This same is true for those who handle these products at home or stores. If you place CBD in the proximity of products containing THC, the result is often cross-contamination.

Poor labeling of products

Because the FDA does not regulate CBD, it means they are not required to have third-party tests done on their products. In a 2017 study in the Netherlands on 84 online CBD products found that 21 tested positive for THC.

This implies that mislabeling products is a common practice in the CBD industry. Further research is necessary to ascertain whether this is the case in the American market.

Is it possible for CBD to turn into THC in the body?

In an acidic environment, CBD can convert into THC. In fact, some scientists believe that CBD will turn into THC in your tummy because the environment in there is very acidic. Gastric tests have shown that this is actually the case.

To ensure that your CBD is THC-free, start by reading the product label. Find out what the source is. If it is marijuana, most definitely it will contain THC. Hemp-based products are THC-free. Also, go for products that tell you the actual amount of THC they contain. This actual level of THC varies based on whether your chosen product is a tincture, oil or edible.

Final Take

CBD Oil should not register in your routine drug test. Nevertheless, note that the CBD industry is largely unregulated, and it will be near impossible to know whether the product you are buying has any CBD in it. To ensure you avoid interacting with CBD Oil, go to a reliable vendor and purchase a CBD product of your choice.